Tuesday, February 22, 2011

LIFE (of the party)

As you can tell my blogging has suffered from lack of time. A lot has gone on these past couple of weeks, but I am glad it is over. Good news, the spring break count down is almost to single digits, meaning the semester is almost half over!!! Bad news, the next week and a half are going to be rough.

Highlight of the past few weeks:

Everyone's favorite little girl turned one last week - and quite frankly I cannot believe it! It was great to be invited to her birthday bash. She was all laughs and loving life.

I found myself leaving her birthday party wishing I looked at life the way she does!

A couple of photos I hope you all enjoy!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What do you Miss Most?

So you pick yourself up time and time again and head back to the place you feel so alone.

I've come to realize that no matter what you tell yourself life will never be EVERYTHING you pictured it would be, but it is up to you to make the best of what you have. There will times when you just don't think you can take another second of your current situation, but take it from me, I promise that you can.

I miss it all. I miss friends, family, loved ones, but most of all I miss the silence that falls from the utter chaos of home life.